my 1st doll I got her with Molly
full name: Felicity Lula White
nicknames: Felix
birthday: November 21
favorite food: Banana baby food
favorite subject in school:art
favorite color: Pink
favorite book:The very hungry Caterpillar
favorite movie: learning to go Potty
favorite television show:Dora the Explorer
hobbie: Watching TV , Coloring , Runing around screaming ( Doe's that count )
favorite insect: Moth
favorite animal: Doggies
pets: None
Age: 2
type: Bitty Baby
personality: crazy
sisters: None
Email: None
my 2nd doll I got her with felicity
full name: Molly Hazel Bane
nicknames: none
birthday: October 18th
favorite food: Chicken noodle soup
favorite subject in school: Reading
favorite color: Dark blue
favorite book: Good night moon
favorite movie: Veggie Tales
favorite television: Color Crew
hobbie: Rock Colleting , helping the big girls out
favorite insect: Caterpillar
favorite animal: Turtles
pets: Dog Honey
type: Bitty twin
allergies: None
personality: High Spirited , Lends a helping hand , Really Nice , behaves Really well
sisters: None
Email: None
Maisey's doll & is friends with Molly
full name: Violet lane Robinson
birthday:June 15th
favorite food: Pb & J
favorite subject in school: Reading
favorite color:Purple
favorite book: The alpha Pets
favorite movie:Meet the colors
favorite television show:Dora the explorer
Hobie:Playing with her toys , coloring
favorite animal:dogs
favorite insect: flys
pets:Dog pupils
Age: 5
type: Bitty Twin
Email : None
my third doll I got her for my 7th birth day.
full name: Mckenna Jane Brooks
nicknames: Mckalay
birthday:february 1st
favorite food:hamburger
favorite subject in school: Reading
favorite color:Blue
favorite book: The Littles
favorite movie: Mckenna shoots for the stars
favorite television show: Agents of shield
favorite animal: Horses
favorite insect:moth
pets:dog cooper
type: Goty 2012
personality:private, silly, outgoing
sisters:two little Sister's Mara & Maisey
Email: None
Maisey's 2nd doll
full name: Caroline bell Abbott
nicknames: Carol
birthday:January 16th
favorite food: Salad
favorite subject in school: history
favorite color: Pink
favorite book: Flat Stanley
favorite movie: Cinderella
favorite television show: My little pony
favorite animal: bunnies
favorite insect: ladybugs
pets: Dog Pufils
type: Beforever
allergies: none
personality: nice, a little attitude.
sisters: one little sister violet
Email: None
Emmalines doll
full name: Jenny Lim Hazelrig
nickname: Jen
birthday: March 13th
favorite food: Pb& J
favorite subject in school: Sculpture Class
favorite color: Purple
favorite book: Arthur's tooth
favorite movie: Spykids
favorite television show: Wild Crats
hobbie: Dance
favorite animal: HummingBirds
favorite insect: beetle
pets: Cat Pounce
Age: 9
type: Our Generation Doll Jenny
allergies: None
personality: Nice, Caring
Sisters: None
Email : None
my fourth doll I got her on her birthday. she was for my birthday. but she was a best seller so i got her before my birthday.
full name: Leah Linda Bloom
nicknames: none
birthday: September 18th
Favorite food: maidrites
Favorite subject in school: math
Favorite color: Blue
favorite book: Ann of green gables
favorite movie: sleeping beauty
favorite television show: Young Justice
hobbie: Gymnastics
favorite animal: cats
favorite insect: none
pets: dog chewy
age: 12
type:my life as... party planner
sisters:little sister Lucy
email: none
Full Name: Alejandra Delane Bane
NickNames: None
Birthday: March 25
favorite food: Meatloaf
Favorite Subject in school: writing
favorite color: Red
favorite Book:The Bible
Favorite Movie: Beauty & the Beast
favorite television Show: Ant Farm
hobbie: Rock colleting
favorite animal:Horses
favorite Movie:
favorite insect: Moth
Pets : Dog Honey
Age: 10
Type: OG (our generation)
Allergies: none
Personality: Loving, caring, nice,
Sisters: Younger Sister Molly
Email: None
She Is My 6th Doll
Full Name : Lucy Danielle Bloom
NickNames : Lu
Birthday: May 25th
Favorite Food : Carrot's
favorite subject in school : writing
favorite color : Black
favorite Book: Meet Molly
favorite Movie: Sleeping beauty
favorite Television: None
hobbie : Gymnasticis
favorite animal : Horses
favorite insect :Moth
Pets : Dog Cha Cha
Age : 9
Type : my Life As...
Allergies: Penuts
Personality: Loves to help
Sisters : Big sister Leah
Email : None
full name: Danielle Angie May
nicknames: Danny
Birthday: April 10th
favorite food: Watermelon
favorite subject in school: Softball
favorite color: White
favorite Book: The Story of a Real Payne
favorite Movie: Lara Croft
favorite television: Chuck
Hobbies: Softball, basketball, Bowling,
favorite animal: Dogs
favorite insect: Moth
Pets: none
Age: 11
Type: Madame Alexander Varsity Girl
Allergies: None
Personality: little attitude
Sisters: None but she's glad about that
Email : None
full name: Harper Ayla Smith
Nicknames: Harp
Birthday: May 5th
Favorite Food : Porkchops
Favorite subject In school : Science
Favorite color: Baby blue
Favorite Book: meet Isabelle
Favorite Movie: Tangled
Favorite television Show: Phinas & ferb
Hobbie: Gymnastics
Favorite Animal: cat
Favorite Insect: Beetle
pets: Cat Rascal
age: 9
Type : Our generation Holiday Harper
Allergies : None
Personality: very very shy
Sisters : one Charlotte
email : None
She is my 9th doll
full name: Charlotte Quinn Smith
Nicknames: Char
Birthday: February 8th
Favorite Food : Pancakes
favorite subject in school : reading
favorite color : dark blue
favorite book : child - craft book poems of early childhood
favorite movie : Cars 2
favorite television show : Phineas & Ferb star wars
hobbies : cooking, dancing, poem writing
favorite animal : cat
favorite insect : butterfly
pets : cat Rascal
age : 6
type : uneed a doll
allergies : none
personality : very very active
sisters : one Harper
Email : none
My tenth doll
full name: Judy Anne Hathaway
Nicknames: Judy Moody ( when she's Mad )
Birthday: March 3rd
Favorite Food: Bananas
Favorite Subject in school: Math
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Book: Judy Moody
Favorite Movie: Cars
Favorite Television Show: None
Hobbies: Collecting Hello Kitty, Writing
Favorite Animal: Horse
Favorite Insect: Beetle
Pets: None
Age: 7
Type: unknown
Allergies: None
Personality: Loving, Caring
Sister's: None
Email: None
My Eleventh doll
Full name: Grace, Taylor, Thomas.
Nicknames: Ms. Paris
Birthday: November 27th
Favorite food: Bagels
Favorite Subject in school: French
Favorite Color: Pink & Red
Favorite Book: The Red pyramid
Favorite Movie: Saving Mr. Banks
Favorite song: Thrift Shop Kidz Bop verison0000
Favorite television Show: Ever After High
Hobbies: Fashionista, singing,
Favorite Animal: Kittens
Favorite Insect: None
Pets: Dog No name yet
Age: 10
Type: GOTY American Girl
Allergies: none
Personality: Attitude, nice
Sisters: None
Email: None
Your dolls are so cute! They should be glad to have you as their owner or mom idk what you call yourself.
ReplyDeleteThanks Fancykr Fashion. They call me like Miss Leah Nay or something.
DeleteI love your dolls! So cute!
DeleteI love your blog! Could you check out mine? Thanks!
Thanks & Sure. Keira
DeleteKeira love your blog. I would try to comment but I can't seem to find the spot to type you thoughts. still you blog rocks totally Awesome.
DeleteThanks! That means A LOT! Your blog is totally awesome, too!
Your Welcome.