1) What’s your favorite thing about being part of the global sisterhood?
Well that I get to have more sisters that like dolls just like me.
2) Why did you start your blog?
I always thought the idea was cool plus I took tons of photos of my dolls all the time.
3) What was your favorite present ever (received or given)?
My second My life doll As... Lucy.
4) What did you want to be when you grew up?
I've always wanted to be a singer.
5) If you could be anything else what would you be (very open ended answers welcome)?
A Fashion Model
6) What’s your favorite story (any media type)?
All of Samantha Storys, NOT BEFOREVER.
7) Beatles or Monkees?
None Cause I've never heard of ether.
8) What store logo from your childhood still makes you smile when you see it?
for some reason Petco I know WEIRD.
9) Who would win in a checkers match, Queen Elizabeth II or The Doctor (from Doctor Who)?
I Don't know. But I think maybe Queen Elizabeth II
10) If you ran a contest on your blog, what would you most like to give away (assuming it cost you nothing)?
Doll hair bows
My Questions
- Which GOTY is your favorite?
- What is your Favorite AG Blog
- Which is your Favorite TM (Truly Me)?
- Favorite BeForever?
- Favorite Historical doll BEFORE BEFOREVER?
- Favortie TM outfit?
- What's the top doll you want?
- What's your Favorite doll in your collection
- If you had to pick by Taylor Swift & Rachel Crow Who would you pick?
- What's your Favorite doll out of MY Collection
There you go SEE YA BYE
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Please no bad words. I do not want people getting mad that some ons said a bad word. plus I do not want any one to stop reading my blog so. please no bad words. Leah