Saturday, April 11, 2015

How to make a doll Poster

 I bet your surprised huh? Cause this is my very first tutorial ever so lets see how I Did it. Here are the things I used and that you may need to get or use to make it
  • Scissors
  • Paper
  • crayons but you can use markers or even pencils
  • stickers but you need these if you don't want to
sketch a 3inch by 4inch on a piece of paper. Cut that out and this is what it should look like...
then design it as you wish.
this is how my second one looked like. go back to the top to see the first one that one is for Carolines New room.


  1. You did a great job! I love how you listed out all the things that you needed. Cute posters, too!


Please no bad words. I do not want people getting mad that some ons said a bad word. plus I do not want any one to stop reading my blog so. please no bad words. Leah